Earlier this year when I visited my cousin, who had just birthed a beautiful baby girl. A couple hours later, the baby girl started crying and wouldn’t give up! And we knew
1. She was fed and full,
2. Checked her diaper,
3. Made sure she wasn’t too hot
so, then I wondered – How can I possibly help?
In no time, my cousin showed me this magical machine called ‘The Susher’ and turned it on – which was an instant game changer!
Within minutes, the baby went off to sleep.

It’s now one of my very favorite baby shower gifts for all my soon to be mama friends. It’s originally adapted from The parenting solutions in the AMAZING book The happiest baby on the block by Dr Karp.
If you are looking for the perfect gift for one of your pregnant friends- she will love you FOREVER for this !!!
Price: $34.99