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6 Ways to Set Goals You Will Actually Complete


6 Ways to Set Goals You Will Actually Complete

6 Ways to Set Goals You Will Actually Complete

By Ruby Bansal


Looking to find ways to help you achieve your goals? Whether looking to really stick with New Year resolutions, find ways to stop cheating on your diet or take that next big step in your career- effectively setting out goals can play a big part in your success with them. Here are 6 ways to set goals you will actually complete.


1. Choose Your Goals Wisely

Your choice of goal often determines just how well you stick to them, and if or not you ever achieve them. Choose goals not because they are popular or recommended by others, but because they are in perfect synchronisation with you. For instance in trying to shed weight, I only started making significant progress when I switched my goals. I no longer tortured myself with numbers or measurements to achieve, but began using more tangible goals to motivate myself- climbing four floors without having to stop midway, fitting into an old dress, or being able to lift that heavy dumbbell without wincing worked miracles for my fitness schedule.


2. No Goal is Ever Too Small

Whether at work, home or in life, no goal is too small to invest all your energies in. In fact sometimes it is much wiser to start with smaller goals, giving yourself time to decide and building up momentum to larger ones. Further, your goals can be of any type or variety- having a mundane everyday goal doesn’t make it any less important than say one that determines the course of your entire life.


3. Give Your Goal a Timeline

Establishing a timeline to your goal makes it a lot more real and tangible, than one that just seems to float about in your mind all the while. Knowing when you wish or expect yourself to achieve a goal, gives you not only the incentive to get started but also to keep working at it. You can divide a large goal into smaller milestones to create a consistency of effort, momentum and reward.


4. Learn to Review Your Goals

We all grow and evolve, and therefore so do our goals, ambitions and priorities. A lot of people fail to achieve their goals not due to lack of effort, but simple because their goals no longer resonate, inspire or move who they are. While it may seem counterproductive a move, learning to review your set of goals from time to time actually helps you achieve them. Think of it as weeding your mental landscape- a fair and sound assessment will help establish the real goals that stand the test of change and time, and remove the passing ones that only hog your attention and efforts.


5. Plan Backwards from your Goal

A great tip I picked up from a former employee is to work backwards when setting out a plan of action. Establish your goal as a fixed point in time and space, and then consider all the actions you need to undertake in order to achieve it. Instead of planning from the point you are at, start laying out these actions in reverse from the point of achieving the goal, working backwards to where you are. This is a simple and effective method to not only spot any loopholes in your planned actions, timelines and expectations, but also gives you a good idea of just how much room you are left with to breathe free.


6. Pat Your Back from Time to Time- for sticking with it too

Celebrate and appreciate your efforts regularly. Whether at the end of each long day, on completing a milestone or at regular intervals, treat yourself to some self validation by acknowledging your efforts and just how far you have come along. Remember, you deserve a pat not just for achieving a goal or part thereof, but for sticking with them through thick and thin as well!


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About Author

Rachi P. is the Founder of 'The Style Momma' and a retail-chain entrepreneur based in New York. The mother of two has a background in health, but her uncanny passion in fashion & style led to the set up of 'The Style Momma'.

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