There’s always one friend who you know will stand by you through it all. The person who sees you cry, eats pizza with you in the middle of the night and watches reruns of Friends with you. And that is whom we like to call a best friend. It turns out having a nice glass of wine at the end of the day, when your kids are asleep, can be a lot like spending the evening with your best friend – here’s why!
1. Wine will always understand your money problems.
Come On, Kids are expensive!
2. You can sit around in your sweatpants with unwashed hair, and wine won’t judge you.
Being a mommy means, surviving in those sweatpants for days, sometimes! Wine won’t judge you! Enjoy!
3. Wine will listen to the reasons why you hate someone and agree with you 100 percent.
For, that in-law, always comments of my parenting decision!
4. Wine will never tell you your jokes aren’t funny.
Yes, mommyhood can take a toll on your sense of humor! What do you call a seagull that flies by the bay? A bay-gull! (Get it? Bagel? Totally the next Rebel Wilson, I know).
5. When you’re having a mid-life crisis in your thirties, wine will sit and listen to your problems.
Rule #1 of girl code in any language or culture.
6. Wine doesn’t care about how you looked after a long day with baby pooping all over you!
7. Wine will accept you for who you are.
The good and the bad.
8. Last but not least, your problems are their problems.
Things could get a little hairy when you break your favorite corkscrew.