Showing 123 Result(s)

Woman dies getting a “Brazilian Butt Lift” in Miami

  According to the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner, a West Virginia woman died after undergoing a cosmetic procedure at a Hialeah clinic that resulted in fat clots in her lungs and heart.   Heather Meadows, 29, was rushed to Palm Springs General Hospital on Thursday, May 12th, after she suffered “medical complications” at the Encore Plastic Surgery, …


This Could Be The Easiest Way To Boost Your Child’s IQ

Boosting your child’s intelligence has been proven to be quite simple, a study has found. So what does it come down to? A mother simply talking to her children.   The researchers at Academics at Stanford University in California, US, found that just by hearing their mother’s voice, kids’ minds become more engaged. It triggers neurons …


Healthy Eating – 3 Breakfast Foods to Begin Your Day With

Healthy Eating – 3 Breakfast Foods to Begin Your Day With   By Beverleigh H Piepers   Chances are, you already know it’s critical to be feeding yourself a healthy meal first thing in the day. A healthy breakfast will get your body running smoothly as you begin your day and ensure you maintain control …


Study Shows High Levels of Folate and Vitamin B12 During Pregnancy May Increase Autism Risk

Very high levels of folate can double autism risk, and high levels of folate and B12 can increase the risk 17.6 times, Johns Hopkins University researchers said. The study has not been peer reviewed.   The new researchers followed 1,391 children who were born at Boston University Medical Center in 1998 through 2013. About 100 …


Zika Virus Could Arrive in The Continental U.S. in The Next Few Weeks

The Zika virus could arrive in the continental U.S. in the next few weeks, carried here by travelers and spread by local mosquitoes, said Scott Weaver, director of the Institute for Human Infections and Immunity at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Doctors have already diagnosed 472 cases of Zika in travelers who …


If your Kid Tries To Misuse An Opioid Prescription, A Doctor Will Know!

Political Gridlock Blocks Missouri Database For Fighting Drug Abuse   At Richard Logan’s pharmacy in Charleston, Missouri, prescription opioid painkillers are locked away in a cabinet.   Missouri law requires pharmacies to keep schedule II controlled substances — drugs like oxycodone and fentanyl with a high addiction potential — locked up at all times.   …