A British company, Coexist says its female employees will now be allowed to take time off when they’re menstruating, and it will not be considered as a regular sick day. Bex Baxter, the director of this company, told The Guardian she created a policy called ‘period policy’ based on her own experiences with period …
Feeding Your Infant Peanut Products Could Save Them From Allergies
This video includes images from Dean Hochman / CC BY 2.0, Heather / CC BY 2.0 and Denise Krebs / CC BY 2.0. Now there’s more evidence suggesting that infants who eat peanut products before they turn 1 could be permanently protected from the allergy. A study published last year in The New England …
This 52-Year-Old Mom Looks Like She’s in Her 20s – Read How?
Judging by the picture above, you would swear that Pamela Jacobs is in her 20s, right? Yeah, we were fooled too. Even though the mom has been offered student discounts and has been mistaken as her 21-year-old son’s girlfriend (awkward), she is actually 52 years old. Yes, really. “Men do comment on …
The More Chores A Husband Does, The More Likely The Marriage Will End In Divorce
According to a report from the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science, couples may be better off living in a “traditional” household where women do all the housework if they want to stay together. Norwegian researchers were interested to see how married and cohabiting men and women divided housework and childcare throughout …
Kids Steal Mom’s Car While She Slept
What if you wake up after taking a nap only to see your children are missing! Yes, this scary moment took place for an Oklahoma mother when she awoke to find her three children gone. Well, the good news was they weren’t kidnapped, but they took the family’s car out for a spin! The eldest one …
Australian Mom Urges Women To Masturbate During Childbirth
An Australian mom named Angela Gallo is advising women in the throes of labor to “touch themselves.” According to Angela, masturbating to a point of orgasm can ease the pain. In a shockingly honest post on her self-titled blog, Gallo shares details of her orgasmic birth with her second child. The birth …
Gwyneth Paltrow and Jimmy Fallon Eat French Fries Dipped in Skin Care Products
Gwyneth Paltrow’s new skin care line doubles as a dip. The products are made with organic food-grade preservatives, technically, they’re good enough to eat. So on Friday’s episode of The Tonight Show, Paltrow and Jimmy Fallon dipped some fries into a skin cream and had a nice on-air snack. As we know, the actress …
This Hilarious Donald Trump Makeup Tutorial
In this makeup hilarious tutorial from F-Comedy, Tess Paras explains how to achieve a trending look called “Trumping.” Not sure if you have all the necessary supplies? If you have a concealer 10 shades too light, a pair of swimming goggles and a bag of Cheetos, you’re ready to run for the presidency …
To The Mother Who Can’t Breastfeed
To The Mother Who Can’t Breastfeed To The Mother Who Can’t Breastfeed By Ruby Bansal Speak of motherhood and quite a few images come together to capture the joy and special bond it entails; etched into human consciousness and memory, these images symbolize the sanctity of this relationship and its experience. Prime among …
12 Mom Hacks With Strollers
Credit: Whatsupmoms
You spend a lot of time with your stroller. Make the most of it with these 12 #MomHacks.