Great Opportunities for Donating Eggs
By Martine Leom
Can the joy of sharing joy with someone be compared with the joy of anything else? There is hardly any married couple that does not desire to have children. And, no one can understand the agony of being childless better than the childless couples. There are thousands of couples that are suffering from the pain of not being able to have the offspring of their own. There are women that fail to conceive despite their ardent desire. However, for many, the rays of hope do dawn every now and then. The world is not devoid of the altruistic people that desire to share the joy of parenting. Yes, there are thousands of women that share the joy of parenting by donating their invaluable eggs to the childless couples. And, the incomparable joy and satisfaction of such altruistic task can be best felt by the egg donors.
Agencies facilitating the egg donor programs
Thousands of childless couples have realized the miracle of little life due to the commendable contribution of the agencies that facilitate the egg contributor programs. There are places on earth where it becomes difficult to find the agencies dealing with egg donor programs. However, now a days donating eggs becomes easier and more convenient. For the childless couples desiring to have children, it is no less than a divine blessing. Also, for the donors, it acts like a medium to realize the indescribable joy of sharing the joy of parenting.
Qualifications for egg donors
For qualifying as an egg donor, the healthy women between the ages of 21 to 31 are required to undergo a thorough medical examination and the questionnaire concerning genetic. Moreover, the egg contributors are required to agree to various tests, such as, Physical Examination, Psychological Screening, Test for STD or Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Test for Hereditary Diseases & Birth Defects, and the examination of Medical and Social History etc. Once the women pass the qualifying screening test, they are considered to be eligible for donating the egg and the will be called for donating once the matching recipient for the eggs is found.
Risks involved in egg donating
It is certainly an altruistic task that renders immense joy and satisfaction. Also, donating eggs is not a difficult task. However, the egg donors should be aware of the risks involved in egg donating. The primary side effect or risk of egg donating is the Ovarian Hyperstimulation. This occurs as the ovaries are caused to produce more eggs than usual. Also, the Damage of Reproductive Organs is expected. However, this is very rare. The vaginal dryness, hot flashes, mood swings, and bruising etc are some probable additional side effects of egg donating.
After care
After the egg donation retrieval, the egg donor can return to the regular schedule. However, it is advisable to refrain from the tasks that are physically strenuous. Moreover, the egg donor should not have sexual intercourse until the next menstrual cycle.
Donating eggs are now easy. With the availability of the agencies that facilitate the egg donor programs, it has become easier for the egg contributors to donate their eggs. And, simultaneously, it is certainly the great news for the childless couples. The women unable to conceive can now avail the eggs by contacting a reliable egg donation clinic.
As a renowned researcher, Martine Leom has been researching on egg donors and egg donation procedure to encourage donating eggs in Colorado and is also publishing blogs on the internet for the same.
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