If there’s a lice breakout in your state or at your child’s school, take extra precautions to prevent it from spreading:
- You could keep the child’s brushes and hair accessories in a large zip top plastic bag in the freezer (which will kill lice), and machine wash every article of clothing or towel the child use, even briefly.
- Do regular checks on your child’s head for lice and nits (lice eggs). If the thought of doing a check seems icky, remember this: It won’t be icky unless you find lice. And if you find lice, a small case of lice is a day at the spa compared to a full-blown household infestation.
Very quickly, a child can go from having a very mild case to becoming a risk to every friend that child plays with, sits next to, hugs at recess, or shares a locker with.
How to check: Looking for nits or lice is incredibly tricky. By the time their head is showing enough nits to really see them, the problem is already pretty big. Even the professionals can miss spotting nits on heads, so how could parents possibly be expected to do better?
So, better take precautions and prevent lice infestation.
Lice do not like natural scents like peppermint, tea tree oil and rosemary. A preventative solution is to spray a mist on children’s coats and backpacks before school.
The size of an adult louse is about 3mm and has a lifespan of about 33 days. An adult can lay up to 10 baby eggs or nymphs daily.